We have been blown away by some of the amazing creative and innovative builds that children can come up with in less than five minutes. It has inspired us to add a new section to our website – Create with us!
This section is for all the moms, dads, teachers, grandparents and passionate builders who want more to build, create and explore. This section will be updated regularly and is just for you and your builder at home.
Not only is this geared for the little builders who want more to do and make, but also for the other children, siblings and families that want to join in the fun. You will be able to find baking ideas, art projects, colouring pictures and much more to suit every ones interests and ages.

To get us started – here is an activity that is great for those hot summer days:
Rescue the Lego man!
This works great with two or more children but is just as fun as a parent and child activity.
You will need:
- Water
- Ice cube trays
- Lego characters or small blocks
- Freezer
- Patience (a lot of it)
Preparation: Fill up an Ice tray half way with water, pop in some Lego pieces or characters that are lying around at home. Allow to freeze over night.
Surprise your children with the frozen Lego cubes. Talk to them about how water freezes and turns into ice. Have a few items on hand to assist with the excavation of the Lego men but allow your children to figure out their own solution. Once they have saved their character they can build an amazing world for him to live in!
Please note: This is recommended as a supervised activity due to the choking hazard of Lego pieces with small children.